hi all,
I have a news section on a website that im coding that isnt displaying
properly. Every paragraph in each news post is being displayed as one big
paragraph. how can i display my paragraphs in proper form? The field the
news story is stored in is set as longtext.
here is a link to view.
the first update shows what im having an issue with. each item in the
numbered list should be on a seperate line. there are some line breaks as
well for new paragraphs that arent displaying properly.
here is the code i have:
while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($newsresults))
print "<br>";
print $myrow['news_topic'];
print " ";
print $myrow['news_author'];
print " ";
print $myrow['topic_date'];
print "<br>";
print $myrow['news_message'];
print "<br>\n";
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