On 6/22/07, tg-php@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <tg-php@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
"logic" is subjective. When I read "Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion.", I already knew what you were talking about without having to read the question.. because I knew what was being discussed in this thread. If it wasn't an answer to my original question, then it was about top-posting vs bottom-posting. To me, A: then Q:, in this context, makes perfect sense and is therefore 'logical'. If people have a problem with determining context and having short term memory loss, then I don't know what to say. Hmm.. maybe that's a good question to put on our job interview list for prospective new programmers. "Do you have an opinion on top posting vs bottom posting?" just to see how they answer. Bottom posting makes sense if you're using papyrus scrolls. Or are forced into a linear discussion format for some reason. Email is a little more flexible than that. Does it confuse you reading my messages like this? Do you find yourself drifting to the bottom before the top makes any sense at all? I'm guessing not. Answer this, did you even look at or read your 'original message' below before comprehending my message up here? Probably not, because you already know what was said and what I'm responding to. Tell me I'm wrong.
Yes, you're wrong, I know you are talking about top posting, but to which part of my reply does this refer? I came to know that when I was at the end of your reply and I the part of the reply you were refering to...
It's an exceedingly silly conversation and is probably on a list of 'holy wars' somewhere. I just don't get why 'top posting' is so bad. If it's all for the sake of 'logic' then how come it seems perfectly logical to me but is still somehow 'illogical' or 'breaks logical flow'? Anyway.. I'm sure there'll be more silly debate later. -TG PS. Don't read below. It break's logical flow. You might sprain something.
It does break logical flow, but it was needed to understand what you were quoting. Tijnema
= = = Original message = = = A: Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion. Q: Why is top posting bad? This explains everything ^^^
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