Thanks for the suggestions.. but again, the question wasn't "what distro of linux" to use. And I don't mind upgrading things. The question is what would someone recommend for a really small distro of linux preferably with the bare essentials + apache, mysql, php and samba. Failing that, I'll just grab one of the small linux distros out there and install the stuff I need manually. I just don't know if some of those small distros are missing anything that would make installing AMP+Samba tricky. Anyway, I'll figure it out. It's not a huge priority, but something that'd make my hobby development a lot easier. -TG = = = Original message = = = I can recommend Fedora Core 6, it has more uptodate Apache, PHP and MySQL, than does Red Hat Enterprise 4, which is what the company I consult for installed on their VM-ware environment. We spent a lot of time upgrading everything on the VM Host because the RH Enterprise was so far behind. I run the Fedora 6 on a spare machine at home, and everything that version is far superior, don't even try to convince the corporate types though, they want a corporate name behind things, like there might be someone to blame, other than themselves, if something goes wrong. I've also used Free BSD, Redhat 9, and older versions of Suse, but prefer the Fedora. The MySQL on Fedora 6 has master/slave replication, if you know what that is. Warren ___________________________________________________________ Sent by ePrompter, the premier email notification software. Free download at -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: