Wow, thanks for the code and the fast response! :) Although maybe I should
clarify my probem a bit more, I'm trying to run a program, but I want it to
stay open so that I can call functions later.
When the user "opens" a file, it's uploaded to a folder where PHP can access
it, then PHP would call the Pascal program which would parse the file, and
create a new object for that data, which later functions would access and do
computation on. Like a user woud click Compute Subsets and that would
somehow trigger the function Compute_Subsets on that object. Any way I
could do something like this?
My ugly way to do it would be to do an exec() to call an executable to parse
the file and make an object of it then run the function that I needed to
every time a function was called. The code base for this would be horrible
to maintain and incredibly slow.
Is there some way I could keep the program open and give it further
""Daniel Brown"" <parasane@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
On 6/15/07, Dan <frozendice@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Will that script also work on Apache in Windows? OS X? Just checking
because the backend and front end both need to be able to be installed on
any OS.
Also I looked at exec(), system(), and passthru(); they all let you
a executable file but I don't see any way of passing parameters in any of
those functions, can you do that?
- Daniel
""Daniel Brown"" <parasane@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> On 6/15/07, Dan <frozendice@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Ok, so I have a PHP script, and I also have a program written in
>> Pascal,
>> it's compiled in the native executable for whatever OS the server is
>> running.
>> I want to have the user input info and then send that info to the
>> Pascal
>> program to call a function and send the info as parameters.
>> Is there any sort of server side call I can do to do this? Or is my
>> only
>> option making some sort of connection such as SOAP between PHP and the
>> Program?
>> --
>> PHP General Mailing List (
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> RTFM for exec(), system(), passthru(), et cetera.
> <?
> exec('pascal-file '.$_POST['user_command'],$ret);
> $ret == 1 ? 'Error detected' ? '';
> ?>
> --
> Daniel P. Brown
> [office] (570-) 587-7080 Ext. 272
> [mobile] (570-) 766-8107
PHP General Mailing List (
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Yeah, the first parameter of each function, where you call the
executable directly, just has to include the parameters you want to
pass to the binary.
For example, if you wanted to do the following:
netstat -pnt
ls -al|grep -i php
mv file1.php backups/file2.php
You would (respectively) simply do the following:
exec('netstat -pnt',$ret);
exec('ls -al|grep -i php',$ret);
exec('mv file1.php backups/file2.php',$ret);
Then just eval $ret to see if it was successful (0) or not (1).
If you wanted to allow a user to specify parameters, it would be
done like so:
L> File: form.php
if($_POST['parameters']) {
$ret == 0 ? "Success!" : "Failure!";
Parameters: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="parameters"><BR />
Daniel P. Brown
[office] (570-) 587-7080 Ext. 272
[mobile] (570-) 766-8107
PHP General Mailing List (
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