Re: Reformatting the URI on return to the browser

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On 6/13/07, Robert Cummings <robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Thu, 2007-06-14 at 12:17 +0900, Dave M G wrote:
> PHP,
> I've implemented "friendly urls" in my PHP scripts, so that people can
> type in things like:
> And Dogs
> ... and they'll be taken to the right page.
> However, when they get to the page, the url will read:
> Not so pretty.
> I've noticed that Wikipedia will alter the URI to become more readable,
> by replacing the spaces with underscores, like so:
> I'd like to be able to do that with my system, but I can't quite figure
> out where in the process of getting a URI request and returning a page
> that the URI will get set.
> Can anyone help me with figuring out at what point I can gain control
> over the URI sent back, as Wikipedia does?

If you're on a linux box you can use:

    wget -S " language"

... to see an example of what Wikipedia does.

But to expound... :) Wikipedia issues a 301 (permanently moved) response
header (don't tell Richard Lynch ;) thus redirecting your browser to the
underscore version.

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   In tandem to Robert's post regarding the 301 (or 302, to be fair
;-P) HTTP response, you should also check into Apache's mod_rewrite.
I still remember the quote by heart, but not who said it:
       "Despite the tons of examples and docs, mod_rewrite is voodoo.
Damned cool voodoo, but still voodoo."

Daniel P. Brown
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