Robert ,
Thank you for replying.
No, PHP can do it. If you can work with pixels (and you can) then you
can do any advanced mutation of an image... the only issue is how long
it takes to perform the mutations.
That's good to know. I think I can live with a little server time to
generate the images, so long as they work well.
Check out the freecap code perhaps
I'm assuming you mean this one:
Good CAPTCHA - bots can't figure it out
Bad CAPCTHA - bots can figure it out
Well, yes, but what exactly determines that is not obvious to me. I came
across this page:
... which conveys a feeling that some CAPTCHAs that look good actually
According to this page, the Yahoo CAPTCHA image, which looks quite
minimal to me, is actually one of the better ones.
Dave M G
Ubuntu Feisty 7.04
Kernel 2.6.20-15-386
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