I have tried many ways to resize a transparent gif but it works on my local
server which has php 5.1.6 but none works using php 4.4.x
Also the below works when using imagecopyresized and not imagecopyresampled.
I have no clue why that is the case as imagecopyresampled is supposed to
produce better results.
I have php version 5.1.6 locally (windows) and this works:
$img_resized = ImageCreateTrueColor ($img_new_width, $img_new_height); //
new image to create
$o_img = ImageCreateFromGif($source_file_path); // source file
$trans_arr = get_transparency($source_file_path); // function given below
if (isset($trans_arr['red']) && isset($trans_arr['green']) &&
$transparent = imagecolorallocate($img_resized, $trans_arr['red'],
$trans_arr['green'], $trans_arr['blue']);
imagefilledrectangle($img_resized, 0, 0, $img_new_width,
$img_new_height, $transparent);
imagecolortransparent($img_resized, $transparent);
// I tried follwoing instead of that get_transparency function and above
codee. But same result
/*$transparent = imagecolorallocate($img_resized, 255, 255, 255);
imagefilledrectangle($img_resized, 0, 0, $img_new_width, $img_new_height,
imagecolortransparent($img_resized, $transparent); */
imagecopyreresized($img_resized, $o_img, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0, $img_new_width,
$img_new_height, $img_orig_width, $img_orig_height);
ImageGif($img_resized, $new_file_path);
// this function I created by copying code from somewhere on internet
function get_transparency($img_file)
$ret = array();
$fp = fopen($img_file, "rb");
$result = fread($fp, 13);
$colorFlag = ord(substr($result,10,1)) >> 7;
$background = ord(substr($result,11));
if ($colorFlag)
$tableSizeNeeded = ($background + 1) * 3;
$result = fread($fp, $tableSizeNeeded);
$ret['red'] = ord(substr($result, $background * 3, 1));
$ret['green'] = ord(substr($result, $background * 3 + 1,
$ret['blue'] = ord(substr($result, $background * 3 + 2, 1));
return $ret;
But the above doesn't work using php 4.4.x and creates images with lots of
white lines/dots in it. Some pixel is transparent and some it isn't. I have
no knowedge about image manuplation like alpha channels etc.
Could anyone please provide me a solution which works using php 4.4.x
Sukhwinder Singh
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