Re: using mysql_escape_string with implode() !!

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Richard Lynch wrote:
On Wed, May 30, 2007 9:55 pm, Jim Lucas wrote:
Greg Donald wrote:
On 5/30/07, Richard Lynch <ceo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
You want to use mysql_escape_string, and NOT addslashes and NOT
function slashes( $var )
 if( is_array( $var ) )
   return array_map( 'slashes', $var );
   return mysql_real_escape_string( $var );
Say I wanted to use this on something other than $_GET, $_POST, &

Would it not be better practice to do this the other way around?

function slashes ( $var ) {
    if ( is_scalar($var) ) {
         return mysql_real_escape_string( $var );
    } else {
         return array_map( 'slashes', $var );

This way, even if someone passes something that is not an array, but
still not processable by mysql_real_escape_string(), it won't foul up
the processor.

set_magic_quotes_runtime( 0 );

if( get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 0 )
 $_GET = isset( $_GET )
   ? array_map( 'slashes', $_GET )
   : array();

 $_POST = isset( $_POST )
   ? array_map( 'slashes', $_POST )
   : array();

 $_COOKIE = isset( $_COOKIE )
   ? array_map( 'slashes', $_COOKIE )
   : array();

Well, if it's not a scalar, and it's not an array, and you call
array_map on it, things could get very ugly very fast...

I'm not sure what other datatypes you might try to pass in, that PHP
won't type-juggle to a string when it goes to

Exactly what "other" data are you planning on calling 'slashes' on?

Things that will work with mysql_real_escape_string()
	boolean, integer, double, float, string, NULL

Things that won't work with mysql_real_escape_string()
	array, object, resource id

Jim Lucas

   "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
       and some have greatness thrust upon them."


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