Ave, Instead of going back & forth on various function & path tests, I wrote a small code containing different suggested combinations of PATH and also the gettype() as Jim had requested. Following is the Code and the Output. Code: $filename = 'X:\send\Transfer\LIVE\live.txt'; echo gettype($filename)."<br>"; if (file_exists($filename)) { echo "The file $filename Exists<br>"; } else { echo "The file $filename does NOT Exist<br><br>"; } $filename1 = 'X:\\send\\Transfer\\LIVE\\live.txt'; echo gettype($filename1)."<br>"; if (file_exists($filename1)) { echo "The file $filename1 Exists<br>"; } else { echo "The file $filename1 does NOT Exist<br><br>"; } $filename2 = 'X:/send/Transfer/LIVE/live.txt'; echo gettype($filename2)."<br>"; if (file_exists($filename2)) { echo "The file $filename2 Exists<br>"; } else { echo "The file $filename2 does NOT Exist<br><br>"; } $filename3 = 'X://send//Transfer//LIVE//live.txt'; echo gettype($filename3)."<br>"; if (file_exists($filename3)) { echo "The file $filename3 Exists<br>"; } else { echo "The file $filename3 does NOT Exist<br><br>"; } $filename4 = '\\Foresight\send\Transfer\LIVE\live.txt'; echo gettype($filename4)."<br>"; if (file_exists($filename4)) { echo "The file $filename4 Exists<br>"; } else { echo "The file $filename4 does NOT Exist<br><br>"; } $filename5 = '\\\\Foresight\\send\\Transfer\\LIVE\\live.txt'; echo gettype($filename5)."<br>"; if (file_exists($filename5)) { echo "The file $filename5 Exists<br>"; } else { echo "The file $filename5 does NOT Exist<br><br>"; } $filename6 = '//Foresight/send/Transfer/LIVE/live.txt'; echo gettype($filename6)."<br>"; if (file_exists($filename6)) { echo "The file $filename6 Exists<br>"; } else { echo "The file $filename6 does NOT Exist<br><br>"; } $filename7 = '////Foresight//send//Transfer//LIVE//live.txt'; echo gettype($filename7)."<br>"; if (file_exists($filename7)) { echo "The file $filename7 Exists<br>"; } else { echo "The file $filename7 does NOT Exist<br><br>"; } Output: string The file X:\send\Transfer\LIVE\live.txt does NOT Exist string The file X:\send\Transfer\LIVE\live.txt does NOT Exist string The file X:/send/Transfer/LIVE/live.txt does NOT Exist string The file X://send//Transfer//LIVE//live.txt does NOT Exist string The file \Foresight\send\Transfer\LIVE\live.txt does NOT Exist string The file \\Foresight\send\Transfer\LIVE\live.txt does NOT Exist string The file //Foresight/send/Transfer/LIVE/live.txt does NOT Exist string The file ////Foresight//send//Transfer//LIVE//live.txt does NOT Exist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rahul Sitaram Johari CEO, Twenty Four Seventy Nine Inc. W: http://www.rahulsjohari.com E: sleepwalker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ³I morti non sono piu soli ... The dead are no longer lonely² -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php