On 5/23/07, kvigor <k3cheese@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The code is: <?php $label_array = array ("conName" => "Consumer Name", "conAddress" => "Consumer Address", "conCity" => "Consumer City", "conState" => "Consumer State", "conZip" => "Consumer Zip Code", "conPhone" => "Consumer Phone", "schName" => "School Name", "schAddress" => "School Address", "schCity" => "School City", "schState" => "School State", "schZip" => "School Zip Code", "strName" => "Store Name", "strCity" => "Store City", "strState" => "Store State"); //check data fields for correct data foreach($_POST as $field => $value) { if($field == "conState" || $field == "schState" || $field == "strState") //if these 3 fields are entered { if($value != 'Alabama' || $value!= 'AL' || $value != 'Alaska' || $value!= 'AK' || $value != 'Arizona' || $value!= 'AZ' || $value != 'Arkansas' || $value!= 'AR' || $value != 'California' || $value!= 'CA' || $value != 'Colorado' || $value!= 'CO' || $value != 'Conneticut' || $value!= 'CT' || $value != 'Delaware' || $value!= 'DE' || $value != 'Florida' || $value!= 'FL' || $value != 'Georgia' || $value!= 'GA' || $value != 'Hawaii' || $value!= 'HI' || $value != 'Idaho' || $value!= 'ID' || $value != 'Illinois' || $value!= 'IL' || $value != 'Inidiana' || $value!= 'IN' || $value != 'Iowa' || $value!= 'IA' || $value != 'Kansas' || $value!= 'KS' || $value != 'Kentucky' || $value!= 'KY' || $value != 'Louisiana' || $value!= 'LA' || $value != 'Maine' || $value!= 'ME' || $value != 'Maryland' || $value!= 'MD' || $value != 'Massachusetts' || $value!= 'MA' || $value != 'Michigan' || $value!= 'MI' || $value != 'Minnesota' || $value!= 'MN' || $value != 'Mississippi' || $value!= 'MS' || $value != 'Missouri' || $value!= 'MO' || $value != 'Montana' || $value!= 'MT' || $value != 'Nebraska' || $value!= 'NE' || $value != 'Nevada' || $value!= 'NV' || $value != 'New Hampshire' || $value!= 'NH' || $value != 'New Jersey' || $value!= 'NJ' || $value != 'New Mexico' || $value!= 'NM' || $value != 'New York' || $value!= 'NY' || $value != 'North Carolina' || $value!= 'NC' || $value != 'North Dakota' || $value!= 'ND' || $value != 'Ohio' || $value!= 'OH' || $value != 'Oklahoma' || $value!= 'OK' || $value != 'Oregon' || $value!= 'OR' || $value != 'Pennsylvania' || $value!= 'PA' || $value != 'Rhode Island' || $value!= 'RI' || $value != 'South Carolina' || $value!= 'SC' || $value != 'South Dakota' || $value!= 'SD' || $value != 'Tennesee' || $value!= 'TN' || $value != 'Texas' || $value!= 'TX' || $value != 'Utah' || $value!= 'UT' || $value != 'Vermont' || $value!= 'VT' || $value != 'Virginia' || $value!= 'VA' || $value != 'Washington' || $value!= 'WA' || $value != 'West Virginia' ||$value!= 'WV' || $value != 'Wisconsin' || $value!= 'WI' || $value != 'Wyoming' || $value!= 'WY') //if they don't the match these
You should really look into learning in_array() for stuff like this. Your logic seems weird to me, using != with a bunch of ||'s, is it possible you need to && those together?
{ $state[$field] = "badstate"; //then } }//end check } if(@sizeof($state) > 0) //check size of array and display error message
I can't think of a good reason to suppress an error coming from sizeof(). It will return zero for anything that is unset. You might switch to count(), it's one character less to type than sizeof() and much more common in other programming languages.
echo "<div class='ermess1'><br />Please correct the following \"State\" fields. Example: Enter state as Illinois or IL not ILLINOIS.</div>"; foreach($state as $field => $value) // display the fields where input is incorrect { echo " <div>{$label_array[$field]}</div>"; } } echo " <link href='css/SOS.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /> <form id='process' method='post' action='form.php'> <label for='conState' class='stateLabel'> *State:</label> <input name='conState' type='text' class='state' id='textfield' value='{$_POST['conState']}' /> <label for='schState' class='stateLabel'>*State:</label> <input name='schState' type='text' class='state' id='textfield' value='{$_POST['schState']}'/> <label for='strStat' class='stateLabel'>*State:</label> <input name='strState' type='text' class='state' id='textfield' value='{$_POST['strState']}' /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <label for='Reset'></label> <input type='reset' name='reset' value='Reset' id='Submit'/> <label for='Sumbit'></label> <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit' id='Reset'/> </form>"; ?>
Looks like you just need to do some logic debugging to get things wired up how you want. Try adding this to the top of your script so the post action shows you more info: if( isset( $_POST['submit'] ) ) { echo '<pre>'; print_r( $_POST ); echo '</pre>'; } -- Greg Donald http://destiney.com/ -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php