On 5/23/07, kvigor <k3cheese@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi, I have an issue with a particular if statement when I check 3 form fields for their value. The problem is no matter what input is entered in the fields the output is the same. I only added the 3 fields in question of the form to reduce heartache for the readers of this post. Output always reads: Please correct the following "State" fields. Example: Enter state as Illinois or IL not ILLINOIS. Consumer State School State Store State The code is: <?php $label_array = array ("conName" => "Consumer Name", "conAddress" => "Consumer Address", "conCity" => "Consumer City", "conState" => "Consumer State", "conZip" => "Consumer Zip Code", "conPhone" => "Consumer Phone", "schName" => "School Name", "schAddress" => "School Address", "schCity" => "School City", "schState" => "School State", "schZip" => "School Zip Code", "strName" => "Store Name", "strCity" => "Store City", "strState" => "Store State"); //check data fields for correct data foreach($_POST as $field => $value) { if($field == "conState" || $field == "schState" || $field == "strState") //if these 3 fields are entered { if($value != 'Alabama' || $value!= 'AL' || $value != 'Alaska' || $value!= 'AK' || $value != 'Arizona' || $value!= 'AZ' || $value != 'Arkansas' || $value!= 'AR' || $value != 'California' || $value!= 'CA' || $value != 'Colorado' || $value!= 'CO' || $value != 'Conneticut' || $value!= 'CT' || $value != 'Delaware' || $value!= 'DE' || $value != 'Florida' || $value!= 'FL' || $value != 'Georgia' || $value!= 'GA' || $value != 'Hawaii' || $value!= 'HI' || $value != 'Idaho' || $value!= 'ID' || $value != 'Illinois' || $value!= 'IL' || $value != 'Inidiana' || $value!= 'IN' || $value != 'Iowa' || $value!= 'IA' || $value != 'Kansas' || $value!= 'KS' || $value != 'Kentucky' || $value!= 'KY' || $value != 'Louisiana' || $value!= 'LA' || $value != 'Maine' || $value!= 'ME' || $value != 'Maryland' || $value!= 'MD' || $value != 'Massachusetts' || $value!= 'MA' || $value != 'Michigan' || $value!= 'MI' || $value != 'Minnesota' || $value!= 'MN' || $value != 'Mississippi' || $value!= 'MS' || $value != 'Missouri' || $value!= 'MO' || $value != 'Montana' || $value!= 'MT' || $value != 'Nebraska' || $value!= 'NE' || $value != 'Nevada' || $value!= 'NV' || $value != 'New Hampshire' || $value!= 'NH' || $value != 'New Jersey' || $value!= 'NJ' || $value != 'New Mexico' || $value!= 'NM' || $value != 'New York' || $value!= 'NY' || $value != 'North Carolina' || $value!= 'NC' || $value != 'North Dakota' || $value!= 'ND' || $value != 'Ohio' || $value!= 'OH' || $value != 'Oklahoma' || $value!= 'OK' || $value != 'Oregon' || $value!= 'OR' || $value != 'Pennsylvania' || $value!= 'PA' || $value != 'Rhode Island' || $value!= 'RI' || $value != 'South Carolina' || $value!= 'SC' || $value != 'South Dakota' || $value!= 'SD' || $value != 'Tennesee' || $value!= 'TN' || $value != 'Texas' || $value!= 'TX' || $value != 'Utah' || $value!= 'UT' || $value != 'Vermont' || $value!= 'VT' || $value != 'Virginia' || $value!= 'VA' || $value != 'Washington' || $value!= 'WA' || $value != 'West Virginia' ||$value!= 'WV' || $value != 'Wisconsin' || $value!= 'WI' || $value != 'Wyoming' || $value!= 'WY') //if they don't the match these { $state[$field] = "badstate"; //then } }//end check } if(@sizeof($state) > 0) //check size of array and display error message { echo "<div class='ermess1'><br />Please correct the following \"State\" fields. Example: Enter state as Illinois or IL not ILLINOIS.</div>"; foreach($state as $field => $value) // display the fields where input is incorrect { echo " <div>{$label_array[$field]}</div>"; } } echo " <link href='css/SOS.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /> <form id='process' method='post' action='form.php'> <label for='conState' class='stateLabel'> *State:</label> <input name='conState' type='text' class='state' id='textfield' value='{$_POST['conState']}' /> <label for='schState' class='stateLabel'>*State:</label> <input name='schState' type='text' class='state' id='textfield' value='{$_POST['schState']}'/> <label for='strStat' class='stateLabel'>*State:</label> <input name='strState' type='text' class='state' id='textfield' value='{$_POST['strState']}' /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <label for='Reset'></label> <input type='reset' name='reset' value='Reset' id='Submit'/> <label for='Sumbit'></label> <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit' id='Reset'/> </form>"; ?> -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
You're doing all OR statements. This means "if it's not this or it's not this or it's not this or it's not this...." Replace the OR ( || ) with AND ( && ) throughout the if() clause and it should work just fine. -- Daniel P. Brown [office] (570-) 587-7080 Ext. 272 [mobile] (570-) 766-8107