Re[2]: Confused about handling bytes

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Monday, May 21, 2007, 3:57:56 PM, you wrote:
TR> Hi,

TR> Monday, May 21, 2007, 10:50:27 AM, you wrote:
JV>> While I'm sure this is a stupid question and the solution will be 
JV>> obvious to everyone here, this is confusing me.

JV>> I'm trying to control a device over a serial port using a PHP script, 
JV>> and one of the things I need to do is read a 26-byte string from an 
JV>> EEPROM, using a command that returns two bytes at a time, and write 
JV>> similar strings using a similar command. For example, to read the first
JV>> two bytes of one such string beginning at address 0x484, I would send:

JV>> 04 84 00 00 BB

JV>> Here's the code I've written so far:

JV>> $string = 1; //which of 200 strings I want to read
JV>> $base = pack("H*",dechex((($string-1)*hexdec(0x1a))+hexdec(0x484))); 
JV>> //calculate the base address of the string (the first starts at 0x484)
JV>> for($i=0;$i < 13;$i++) { //iterate 13 times (26 bytes / 2 bytes at a time)
JV>> dio_write($serial,$base."\x00\x00\xbb",5); //send the command
JV>> $output[] = dio_read($serial,1);  // read first byte
JV>> $output[] = dio_read($serial,1); // read second byte
JV>> $base = pack("H*",dechex(hexdec(bin2hex($base))+2)); //increment address
JV>> }

JV>> There are two things wrong with this. First, the final line isn't doing
JV>> what it's supposed to. Instead of adding 2 to the value of $base each 
JV>> time, It's producing a pattern like this:

JV>> 0x484, 0x486, 0x73, 0x73, 0x73, 0x488, 0x48a, 0x48c, 0x48e, 0x490, 0x74,
JV>> 0x74, 0x74

JV>> Second, the format of $base doesn't seem to be handled correctly in line
JV>> 4 of the above code. Given a value of 0x484, this line should write the
JV>> bytes "04 84", but it is obviously not doing so, given the response I 
JV>> get from the device (it sends "FF FF" instead of the expected value at
JV>> that address, which I get when I remove the variable and manually 
JV>> specify the address).

JV>> What are the solutions to these problems?

JV>> Thanks,
JV>> -Joe Veldhuis

TR> Do your packing after all the calculations:

TR> <?php
TR> $output = array();
TR> $string = 1;
TR> for(
TR>   $i=0, $base = (($string-1) * 26) + 0x484; 
TR>   $i < 26;
TR>   $i++, $base += 2)
TR> {
TR>     $binarydata = pack("nc*", $base, 0, 0, 0xBB);
TR>     dio_write($serial,$k=strlen($binarydata),5); //send the command
TR>     $output[] = dio_read($serial,1);  // read first byte
TR>     $output[] = dio_read($serial,1); // read second byte
TR> }

TR> -- 
TR> regards,
TR> Tom

I left some sebug in there, that should have been:

$output = array();
$string = 1;
  $i=0, $base = (($string-1) * 26) + 0x484; 
  $i < 26;
  $i++, $base += 2)
    $binarydata = pack("nc*", $base, 0, 0, 0xBB);
    dio_write($serial,$binarydata,5); //send the command
    $output[] = dio_read($serial,1);  // read first byte
    $output[] = dio_read($serial,1); // read second byte


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