Hi, I am developing one application using PHP and MySQL.Right now my application supports English language.i like to integrate chinese language in my application.i like to implement similar to this website. http://www.dynasign.net.cn/dynasign/login.do 'Language' combo box contain 'English' and 'chinese',when user select 'English'.i like to display the page details in english and when he select 'chinese' i like to display page details in 'chinese'. i set the <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> .but chinese font is not displaying.i think we need to do some PHP programatic unicode conversion.I dont know how to proceed . I am looking for some help from you guys. A.suresh --------------------------------- Office firewalls, cyber cafes, college labs, don't allow you to download CHAT? Here's a solution!