Hi, I have the following code : session_start();
$_SESSION['username']=$myusername; $_SESSION['Localization'] = $lang; header("Location: https://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$path_adm_files."/modules/welcome/welcome.php");
if i check before header command what is the value of $_SESSION['username'], i get the right value. however, if i place on the first line of welcome.php file the following code : echo "<br>1. Before session";
session_start(); echo"<br>Username : ".$_SESSION['username']; echo "<br>2. After session";
i get empty value for this session variable. How is it possible ? in my first code piece, if i use localhost instead of $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], it creates a session file in my temporary folder as it should be.... I'm confused now :-( thanks a lot for your help. -- Alain ------------------------------------ Windows XP SP2 PostgreSQL 8.1.4 Apache 2.2.4 PHP 5.2.1