At 5/6/2007 08:33 AM, Todd Cary wrote:
Thanks to the suggestions, I use number_format($my_number, 2) to
format the number in an edit field. Now I need to reenter it into
MySQL. How should I use preg_replace to remove the commas?
This removes the commas *and* the decimal point:
preg_replace('/\D/', '', $str)
This strikes me as such an odd thing to do. If the MySQL table field
is defined as float, I don't see the need to remove the decimal point.
If you do need to store the digits without the punctuation, you could
also multiply by 100 and store it as an integer: intval($my_number *
100) which seems more efficient than to format as a string and then
reformat without the punctuation.
If I have two uses for a number -- say, formatted with commas and
other dressing for display and formatted more severely for SQL -- I'd
retain the number in a variable as its pure value and convert it for
each use, rather than converting it for one use and then converting
that for the next use. The software's more robust because a glitch
in a formatting operation isn't going to affect the final
result. Also, in many arithmetic circumstances where division is
involved, the true value of the results are accurate to more than two
decimal places. While these might be rounded to the nearest cent for
display purposes, you'll want to add the true values to get the true
total. One common example is a column of percentages that should add to 100%.
Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.
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