Re: excel macro into php

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On Thu, May 3, 2007 4:37 am, Tijnema ! wrote:
> On 5/2/07, Anton Krall <akrall-lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Guys.. I have a problem and I was wondering if somebody with good
>> php
>> knowledge could help.
>> I have this excel macro that converts number currency (mexican) into
>> a
>> string and I was wondering if somebody could help translating it to
>> php...
>> Her eis the macro, if you could help, I would really appreciate it.
>> Thanks guys!
> I think that starting over is better then trying to convert this excel
> macro. What exactly do you want to convert, from ?? to ??
> Since all functions are in a language that isn't english, dutch,
> german or frisian, I can't understand.
> <snip>
>> laUnidades = Array("UN", "DOS", "TRES", "CUATRO", "CINCO", "SEIS",
>> "SIETE",
>> "QUINCE",
>> laDecenas = Array("DIEZ", "VEINTE", "TREINTA", "CUARENTA",
>> laCentenas = Array("CIENTO", "DOSCIENTOS", "TRESCIENTOS",
> Nice array, if you need it, you can use it directly in PHP, just add a
> $ sign before the variable and ; at the end, and it is a PHP array :)
> <snip>
> I've snipped the rest of your code, because it's very though to
> understand the code if you can't read the language. Like i said, show
> me what you want to convert from and to, so that i can help you
> writing something new, or comment your own macro in english so that
> people can understand it.

I deleted the original, but...

90% of the macro can be converted to PHP by putting $ in front of all
the variables.

90% of the function names are the same, or very similar.

There was one "MOD" call that needs to change to %

Do all that, run it in PHP, fix any syntax errors, and then run tests
side-by-side and compare outputs.

I'm betting it's a no-brainer conversion, based on what I recall of
the OP.

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