Ave, Here¹s the thing, I¹ve got an Array which has it¹s own set of Keys => Values. I¹m using foreach() to read the Keys => Values like this: function pr1($var) { foreach ($var as $k => $v) { echo ³$k => $v²; } I need to INSERT the Values from this array into a mySQL table. The problem is, There is other data that is going into the same row of that mySQL Table as well. So I have to basically insert 3 fields and then the rest of values I have to insert using this Array. In other words, this is what I have to do: INSERT into table (f1, f2, f3, f4, f5) VALUES (?$1¹, ?$2¹, ?$3¹, //and the rest of the values from from the $v Values from that Array $var..... I¹m not able to formulate a code to do this. Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rahul Sitaram Johari CEO, Twenty Four Seventy Nine Inc. W: http://www.rahulsjohari.com E: sleepwalker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ³I morti non sono piu soli ... The dead are no longer lonely²