At 4:40 PM -0400 4/17/07, Robert Cummings wrote:
On Tue, 2007-04-17 at 14:45 -0500, Jay Blanchard wrote:
At 3:40 PM -0400 4/17/07, Leonard Burton wrote:
> >From the CSS discussion of the WWE job posting thread.
> There is one question that shows that a table based layout in 99% of
> cases is superior to a CSS layout.
> Try resizing most any CSS based page.
> Tables are 99% of the time superior as it will resize properly whereas
> 99% of most CSS based pages will not resize properly.
> When 99% of CSS layouts overcome this lunacy then CSS will be better,
> but not until then.
> BTW, any web developer worth his or her salt with a reasonable amount of
practice can make CSS layouts that resize as well as table based layouts
everyday of the week. I will refer you to
Only with hacks.
They're not hacks, they're features. :-)
I agree with Jay.
Leonard -- as far as 99% of the time for anything on the web, prove
it. You can't -- your trolling.
Leonard -- as far as resizing properly, what the hell are you talking
about? The question is rhetorical I don't care to dwell on the lunacy
of the statement -- take it to a css-discuss list.
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