Okay, so what I have is a BB code type of thing for a CMS, which I for
obvious reasons can't allow HTML.
Here's the snippet of my function:
function bbCode($str)
$db = new _Mysql;
$strOld = $str;
$strNew = $str;
$getRegexs = $db->query("SELECT `regex`,`replace`,`search` FROM
while ($getRegex = mysql_fetch_assoc($getRegexs))
$search = base64_decode($getRegex['search']);
$regex = base64_decode($getRegex['regex']);
$replace = base64_decode($getRegex['replace']);
if (preg_match($search,$strNew) == 1)
for ($i = 1; $i < 20; $i++)
$strNew = $strOld;
$strNew = preg_replace($regex,$replace,$strNew);
if ($strNew == $strOld)
$strOld = $strNew;
$return = $strNew;
return $return;
But, for something like this:
[quote][quote]Quote #2[/quote]Quote #1[/quote]No quote.
I'll get:
<div class="quoteContainer">
[quote]Quote #2[/quote]Quote #1</div>
No quote.
Despite being in the loop.
Regex is: /\[quote\]((.*|\n)*)\[\/quote\]/
Replace is: <div class="messageQuote">$1</div>
Both are stored base64 encoded in a database.
Any help / suggestions much appreciated.
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