Jason Pruim wrote:
Hi Everyone,
First off, I'm using PHP 5.2.0 and apache 1.3.33
I am trying to figure out what format a string is in in a database.
It's a timecard system that I have found on-line and I am attempting
to figure out how to write a script that would give me everyones
timecard for the month on one screen I can print out for accounting to
use. Below is an example of one of the lines in the database, What I'm
really interested in is how it represents the "day".
user day job_name
minutes sequence
root 1171774800 Production & technology Manager 990 3
Could it be Feb 18, 2007 ??
If so, then that is just the unix timestamp.
echo date('r', 1171774800);
more data functions at: http://www.php.net/date
I have not been able to find ANY info about that format, other then
other people using it in blogs. I think I can figure out the rest as I
go if I know how to decode the day. Any help or pointers to the "M"
would be GREATLY appreciated! :)
Jason Pruim
Production & Technology Manager
MQC Specialist (2005 certified)
3251 132nd Ave
Holland MI 49424
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Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
From “The New Colossus,” by Emma Lazarus
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