On Mar 28, 2007, at 12:59 PM, Tijnema ! wrote:
On 3/28/07, Philip Thompson <prthomp@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi. I'm storing an uploaded file into a MySQL database. I want the
file to then be downloaded and viewed. Uploading looks like:
if (is_uploaded_file($file) && $filename) {
$handle = fopen ($file, 'r');
$resume["data"] = base64_encode (fread ($handle, filesize
$resume["type"] = $_FILES['resume']['type'];
$resume["size"] = $_FILES['resume']['size'];
It loads into the database fine. If it's a word document, it merely
spits out plain text. If it's a PDF, it says it can't open it.
Downloading looks like:
$app = applications ($_GET["id"]);
header ("Status: 200 OK");
header ("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
header ("Content-Length: ".$app["size"][0]);
header ("Content-Type: ".$app["type"][0]);
header ("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=Resume-".$app
echo $app["resume"][0];
What am I doing wrong?!! =D Thanks in advance.
You base64_encode your file when reading, you should also
base64_decode i think.
echo base64_decode($app["resume"][0]);
And you get $app from $_GET, and later use it as an array. I hope you
did some database actions between :)
Yup, that was it - I needed to add the decode... of course the
obvious. It works! And yes, I prevent SQL injection and other stuff -
that's just not shown here. Thanks for the advice! =D
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