Richard Kurth wrote:
The function below will create a group of checkboxes it will also check
the checkbox that is stored in the table field that is in $select_value this
works fine if there is only one value in the variable but if there is more
stored like 1,2,3,4 it will not work. I am trying to figure out how to use
the following for loop to add the number to each checkbox and if they match
mark the checkbox checked
$ExplodeIt = explode(",",$select_value,",");
$Count = count($ExplodeIt);
for ($i=0; $i < $Count; $i++) {
function checkbox($sqlu,$name,$value1,$value2,$select_value){
$name_result = safe_query($sqlu);
echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\"><input type='checkbox' name='"
. $name . "[" . $rowu[$value1] . "]' value=\"$rowu[$value1]\"";
if($select_value==$rowu[$value1]) {
echo " checked>$rowu[$value2]\n</td></tr><BR>";
echo ">$rowu[$value2]\n</td></tr><BR>";
I have used in_array as a way of doing what you are looking for.
function checkbox($sqlu,$name,$value1,$value2,$select_value){
$name_result = safe_query($sqlu);
while ( $rowu = mysql_fetch_array($name_result) ) {
$checked = '';
if ( in_array($rowu[$value1], $select_value) ) {
$checked = ' checked="checked"';
echo <<<HTML
<td colspan="2" align="left">
{$checked} />{$rowu[$value2]}
Personally, I would change your SQL query to return only the two columns
that you are wanting to display. And also use the mysql_fetch_assoc()
SELECT id AS colA, name AS colB FROM myTable;
and not this
SELECT * FROM myTable;
This would then allow me to write your function this way.
function checkbox($sqlu,$name,$selected=array()){
if ( ( $name_result = safe_query($sqlu) ) === false ) {
die('something went wrong');
while ( $rowu = mysql_fetch_assoc($name_result) ) {
$checked = '';
if ( in_array($rowu['colA'], $selected) ) {
$checked = ' checked="checked"';
echo <<<HTML
<td colspan="2" align="left">
<input type="checkbox"
{$checked} />{$rowu['colB']}
Hope this helps
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