Dan Shirah wrote:
Should I use something besides mssql_fetch_row to get my result? No
which method I use for determining if the value exists, I still get no
populated to my form.
Why not echo out your query before executing it, so you can run it
against the back end if you have it, or at least for a sanity check to
make sure you are running the correct query.
On 3/27/07, Tijnema ! <tijnema@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 3/27/07, Davi <davividal@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Em Terça 27 Março 2007 17:02, Dave Goodchild escreveu:
> > use: $_POST['max_id'] ==
> >
> > or even better:
> >
> > if (empty($_POST['max_id']))
> Why not:
> if (!(isset($_POST["max_id")))
> ?
If form is left empty, it is set, but it's stil empty. So if you
submit a form the normal way, then it should pass this, even if you
leave it empty :)
> --
> Davi Vidal
> davividal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> davividal@xxxxxxxxx
> --
> Agora com fortune:
> "Around computers it is difficult to find the correct unit of time to
> measure progress. Some cathedrals took a century to complete. Can
> imagine the grandeur and scope of a program that would take as long?
> -- Epigrams in Programming, ACM SIGPLAN Sept. 1982"
> --
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