Jonathan Kahan wrote:
I am attmepting to run a php scrip and this is the error i keep on
getting. The scripts first 4 lines are below the errors. When errors are
returned, does that mean that the error is local or in one of the
include scripts? I have tried to reverse the order of the includes but
when i do this the errors still are the same it seems. Any help would be
greatly appreciated.
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=1 in
C:\WebSites\www\springsystems\Portal\ on line 3
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=1 in
C:\WebSites\www\springsystems\Portal\ on line 4
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in
C:\WebSites\www\springsystems\Portal\ on line 4
This is the beginning of the file
C:\WebSites\www\springsystems\Portal\ .
include ("./ASN_DBUtilities.php");
include ("./PO_Utilities.php");
include ("inc_FileManager.php");
include ("./ASN_FileManager.php");
One of the included files is screwing up. Perhaps it has a syntax error
in it, or a non-closed PHP tag. The errors are then cascading down
through the rest of your scripts.
Also check you are allowed to use 'short tags' (<? instead of <?php) by
looking at your phpinfo() dump, because if not then the above will try
and be parsed as XML, which you really don't want. As you're getting a
parser error though, my money is on one of the includes being foobared.
If you have access to command-line PHP, try doing:
php -l ASN_DBUtilities.php
etc for each file, to see if there are any immediate parser errors.
Zend Certified Engineer
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