Ave, Let me explain what I¹m trying to do. Unfortunately it¹s not a very simple Add/Update transaction. Basically I gather records from multiple mySQL tables and add them to a DBF (dbase) database. I wrote a code which was able to accomplish this without any problems and the add_records goes very smooth. However, I have to modify this program now so that only ³New² records, i.e., records that have not yet been transferred, are added into the DBF. In other words, any records that are being added, which already exist in the DBF, should not be added. If it were just adding records from one mySQL to another mySQL, I could easily use INSERT IGNORE or the Unique Key fundamental however, since I¹m adding from multiple mySQL tables into DBF, I¹m not sure how to go about doing this. Here¹s my code that takes records from multiple mySQL tables and adds them to a DBF. // define the array with mySQL Table Names & Identifier $tChoice = array( "lodispo" => "VB", "lodispo_osma" => "ATL", "lodispo_osmh" => "HOU", "lodispo_osmn" => "NSV", "lodispo_osmp" => "PAA", "lodispo_osmj" => "JAX", "lodispo_osmt" => "TPA", "lodispo_dmam" => "MET", "lodispo_osmf" => "FTM", "lodispo_hfglend" => "GLEND", "lodispo_hfmesa" => "MESA", "lodispo_hfphenx" => "PHENX", ); // open DBF in read-write mode $db2 = dbase_open($theDBFfile, 2); if (!$db2) { echo "<BR><BR><STRONG>Fatal Error:</STRONG> Unable to open database<BR><BR>"; exit; } else { // Let's Run Array Loops! foreach ($tChoice as $tblQ => $bxQ) { // connect to mySQL tables one by one mysql_select_db($database_imslead_transfer, $imslead_transfer); $query_loDispo = "SELECT * FROM $tblQ"; $loDispo = mysql_query($query_loDispo, $imslead_transfer) or die(mysql_error()); $row_loDispo = mysql_fetch_assoc($loDispo); $totalRows_loDispo = mysql_num_rows($loDispo); // write mySql data to Dbf do { dbase_add_record($db2, array( $row_loDispo['phone'], $row_loDispo['comments'], $row_loDispo['starttime'], $row_loDispo['endtime'], $row_loDispo['dispo'], $row_loDispo['loanofficer'], $row_loDispo['verifier'], $bxQ)); } while ($row_loDispo = mysql_fetch_assoc($loDispo)); } dbase_close($db2); } Any suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rahul Sitaram Johari CEO, Twenty Four Seventy Nine Inc. W: http://www.rahulsjohari.com E: sleepwalker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ³I morti non sono piu soli ... The dead are no longer lonely²