Hi all,
Please see my output below followed by the code. I have been trying for
some to figure out why
1) I can not get a line feed to work in the web page that i am using to
display the output as I am not running from the commad line
2) Why my loop is only executing 3 times when i want it to execute 50
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The next line is all that displays on the output html page:
Output: The number 0 is 0 The number 1 is 0 The number 2 is 1 The number 3
is 1
php script:
for ($k=0;$k<50;$k++)
echo ("The number ".$k." is ".isprime($k));
echo "\r\n";
function isprime ($s)
switch ($s)
case "0":
$a="0"; break;
case "1":
$a="0"; break;
case "2":
$a="1"; break;
while ($d<$s)
if ($s%$d=0)
if ($a=="2")
return $a;
"tjon2.php" 78L, 447C written
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