2007/3/12, Yannick Warnier <ywarnier@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
The problem wasn't quite there. The 304 response was correct and didn't really cause a problem in IE7. In fact, the problem was somewhere else. As mentioned by someone in the PHP doc comments (http://be.php.net/manual/en/ref.session.php#64125 ), IE is the only one to reject urls of the likes of http://example_demo.littleweb.com/ because of the "_" character. This means that basically IE will display the site without a problem, but will not register any cookie, and of course will not mention it, so it makes it all much easier to detect. The fact that FF and Opera get a session each does not help at all in finding the problem. Changing the URL to http://exampledemo.littleweb.com/ will work perfectly. Yannick
According to RFC1033 ( http://www.camtp.uni-mb.si/books/Internet-Book/DNS_NameFormat.html ), underscores are forbidden in DNS names, including subdomains.