Are you only using 3 and 5? just echo 3 and 5 instead of Foo and Bar. and
for both, just have a 3rd condition including both ... if (($i%3 ==0) &&
($i%5 == 0)) echo both or foobar......
does this help?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce Gilbert" <webguync@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Martin Marques" <martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Tijnema !" <tijnema@xxxxxxxxx>; "PHP-General"
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: help with script needed
Thanks for the responses so far.
This is what I have come up with
for( $i=1; $i<=100; $i++ )
echo $i;
echo "<br>";
if ($i%3 == 0) echo "Foo ";
elseif ($i%5 == 0) echo "Bar";
and the results can be seen here
I actually want the Foo and Bar to replace the numbers they are
dereivatives of and not appear below as they are now, and I also need
to add a third condition for "FooBar" which would be for numbers that
are both divisible by 3 and 5.
On 3/7/07, Martin Marques <martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Tijnema ! escribió:
> On 3/7/07, Bruce Gilbert <webguync@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I just need to add code to print something different, say "foo" if the
>> output is a multiple of 5 or 10 for example. How do I go about doing
>> this?
> I've seen that question a lot, what i use is fairly simple
> if( intval($number / $multiple) == ($number / $multiple ) )
> try that
Very bad solution. Try the % operator:
if($number % $multiple == 0)
select 'mmarques' || '@' || '' AS email;
Martín Marqués | Programador, DBA
Centro de Telemática | Administrador
Universidad Nacional
del Litoral
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