Hi , i m trying to insert a new user account into the ldap using php . bt i m getting the following warning and the data is not geting inserted _____________________________________________________ Warning: ldap_add() [function.ldap-add]: Value array must have consecutive indices 0, 1, ... in /home/arun/public_html/globees_webservice/Authentication_Layer/cls.authentication.php on line 148 Could not add new entry! ______________________________________________________ following is my ldap details _______________________________________________ openldap2.2 LDPv3 PHP Version 5.1.2 Server: Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS Apache2 the ldap is working queit fine with other systems. ________________________________________________________ here i am also inclding the code i was trying .... ____________________________________________________________________________ function addUser($username,$password){ $dn = "uid=arun,ou=People,dc=globees,dc=com"; $pass = 'arun'; $ds=ldap_connect('localhost'); // must be a valid LDAP server! $session_id = ''; $error_status = '-'; if ($ds) { if (!ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)) $error_status = "Failed to set protocol version 3"; $r=@ldap_bind($ds,$dn,$pass); if ($r == TRUE) { //// //do insertion $dn = "uid=testarun,ou=People,dc=globees,dc=com"; $entry["uid"] = "testarun"; $entry["cn"] = "testarun"; $entry["sn"] = "test"; $entry['mail'] = "arun@xxxxxxxxxxx"; $entry['objectClass'][0] = "inetLocalMailRecipient"; $entry['objectclass'][1] = "person"; $entry['objectclass'][2] = "organizationalPerson"; $entry['objectclass'][3] = "inetOrgPerson"; $entry['objectClass'][4] = "posixAccount"; $entry['objectClass'][5] = "top"; $entry['objectClass'][6] = "shadowAccount"; $entry["gidnumber"] = 100; $entry['homeDirectory'] = "/home/arun"; $entry['gecos'] = "testarun"; $entry['loginShell']= '/bin/bash'; $entry['userPassword']='{MD5}' . base64_encode(pack('H*',md5("testarun"))); $f = ldap_add($ds, $dn, $entry) or die("Could not add new entry!"); if($f==TRUE) //return a success mesage if insertion successful echo "successfully added"; //////////////////// } elseif ($r == FALSE) $error_status = "Access Denied!!!"; else $error_status = "LDAP ERROR!"; } else $error_status = "Connection Error"; return $error_status; }//end of method _________________________________________________________________________ if anybody has some possible solutions to solve this problem plzz.... give me a reply -- Regards, ...Arun -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php