Re: Re: pictures stored in PostgreSQL DB

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> On Mon, 2007-03-05 at 14:48 -0500, markw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> > On Mon, 2007-03-05 at 10:16 -0500, Mark wrote:
>> >> Alain Roger wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > Hi,
>> >> >
>> >> > It's amazing that my previous post has raised so much consideration
>> >> about
>> >> > the fact to store or not pictures into DB.
>> >>
>> >> And yet you ask again!? Did you not learn? No good can come from this
>> >> question.
>> >
>> > He didn't care about the debate. He is already using a database and
>> > wants to display the images. I'm sure he learned plenty, but not what
>> he
>> > wanted to learn.
>> "I gained nothing at all from supreme enlightenment - and for that very
>> reason, it is called supreme enlightenment"
>> Buddha.
> "Supreme enlightenment is only possible after death,

That depends on your philosophical underpinnings I suppose.
"Enlightenment," is an interesting topic, one I'm pretty sure goes WAY off
topic on this list.

> and that presumes there's an afterlife

Assumptions without proof do not a logical argument make.

> that does not have the restrictions of our currently reality.

Most people don't even know what reality is.

> Once you're dead, I highly doubt anyone's is going to
> care about your filesystem argument (or my counter argument for that
> matter). Besides, everyone knows God stores reality in a database. All
> your images belong to him."

As an atheist, I store god in the bit bucket, where [s]he/it belongs.

>> > I'd say the most important outcome of the side-track
>> > debate was to clarify that it depends on what you are working with,
>> what
>> > you are doing, what your tolerance is for various types of solutions,
>> > and where those tolerances lie. An important thing we also learned, is
>> > that while filesystem storage is often the better solution, it is not
>> > always the best solution, especially when factoring in such things as
>> > convenience and simplicity.
>> I don't think we came to any such conclusion. I still assert that while
>> there may be multiple "right" ways to accomplish a task, there are often
>> clearly "wrong" ways. Putting bitmap data inside the database is a
>> mistake.
> By "we" you mean "you" and perhaps some other edge believers.
>> Before y'all got hyper-literal trying to argue the finer details of the
>> definition of "mistake," my assertion is this:
>> I have yet to see one implementation or strategy where putting bitmap
>> data
>> in a database can not be accomplished more efficiently using a different
>> approach. Bitmap data does not belong in a SQL database because it is
>> not
>> something that is of any use to the algebraic relational syntax of SQL,
>> thus it is more efficient to store a reference to the data rather than
>> the
>> data itself.
> Image data can benefit from proximity to meta data that describes it
> that is in a relational database.

This is a false assumption. What possible benefit is gained?

> You incorrect presumption is that one
> would want to make some kind of algebraic query against the binary data
> itself, when in fact quite often we merely want to retrieve the data due
> it's relevance to some other field upon which a query has been made.

Apart from a misunderstanding of what I wrote in your first sentence, the
rest reads correctly.

The functionality can be as easily implemented and more efficiently using
references instead of the data.

>> Putting database data in the database needlessly increases load on the
>> database. If you are using MySQL, the tables in which the bitmap is
>> stored
>> are read-locked during the read of the data. If the data is large, it
>> can
>> use up buffering resources otherwise used to increase query performance.
> Putting image data on the filesystem when it has related fields in the
> database needlessly increases the load on the complexity of the
> application.

Please explain how. You have to put a reference in the HTML stream for a
later HTTP request from the browser anyway. Where is the complexity coming

If you upload an image to the web server, it is stored in a temp directory
and must be moved. I find it difficult to quantify any real added
complexity between a file system move and a database insert.

>> Bitmap image data can not be incorporated into the HTML stream with the
>> rest of the data retrieved. A reference must be created in the HTML
>> document so that the client web browser can issue a new HTTP request for
>> the image. It is more efficient to put a reference in the database and
>> have the browser query directly for the image against a file based
>> system.
> Filesystem data cannot be directly incorporated into the browser request
> when a custom authentication system is in place that requires wrapping
> the file request in a PHP script. Your argument keep going back to the

No need for caps. There are many better ways of implementing authorization
to access images.

One could store in the local session data a variable "allowed" =
"/images/filename" and rerieve the image. That way it authenticates
locally and saves a database hit. The PHP file can simply do an fopen of
the bitmap and send it back.

>> SQL databases don't use normal data access methods to access large
>> binary
>> data, in PostgreSQL TOAST is used, in MySQL they are read as their own
>> data blocks, and in Oracle they are sometimes put in different table
>> spaces. Anyway you slice it, they are less efficient than normal "data."
> Once again you speak of one kind of efficiency. There are many kinds of
> efficiency when practicing computer science. Probably you think we
> should go back to directly programming in 1's and 0s because the
> efficiency of the code is superior to that generated by a higher level
> compiler. Puhlease. Did you actually study computer science?

You didn't actually address the subject, you merely made an absurd claim
that I would say something stupid and called that debate.

I did in fact, study computer science, and besides a few software patents
and published writings, I study constantly and get paid to advise.

So, are you going to actually debate, or simply ad hominem through this?

>> If you can't come up with a scenario that disproves the previous
>> assertions, then you aren't arguing the point and creating strawmen in
>> an
>> effort to avoid the real issues.
> I've come up with plenty of examples.

None that actually show a need. An alternate implementation that is
provably less efficient does not disprove he assertion.

> You have chosen to ignore them.

Absolutely not, I analyze them and tell you why they don't work as well.

> I
> also left an open challenge to you on an implementation basis that you
> have yet to accept. Feel free to study up on self-deception. Your
> critical thinking appears to fall into this category:

I apologized earlier for coming off as a wise ass, and I now remember why
I did that. Discuss the facts and methods please.

>> >> > However, none of those posts answered to my question... How can i
>> >> retrieve
>> >> > and display those pictures to my PHP pages ?
>> >> >
>> >> > Basically, on my PHP page I have some texts and I would like to
>> >> extract
>> >> > from DB the pictures to display.
>> >> > Therefore, set the header to mine JPEG or GIF does not allow to
>> have
>> >> text
>> >> > also.
>> >>
>> >> This is another problem with images in databases, unlike text or data
>> >> which
>> >> can be incorporated into the HTML output stream, an image needs to be
>> >> its
>> >> own file.
>> >
>> > Image doesn't need to be it's own file,
>> Again, don't get hyper-literal, by file, as used in this post, I meant
>> file as seen by the browser which is represented by a URL and causes a
>> HTTP request.
> Again, please stop being hyper ignorant. Your files require an http
> request even when not protected by any kind of authentication. And when
> they do require authentication, then quite likely they require a
> wrapping PHP script (or other scripting language) and access to the
> database server to determine the validity of the authentication.

Using a PHP script to verify authentication is a good way to accomplish
the task, but that has nothing to do with storing bitmap data in a

>> >
>> >> You will have to hit the database twice. Once to render the page, and
>> >> again
>> >> to render the image.
>> >>
>> >> To render the image you need to query the database and send the data
>> >> back on
>> >> its own, but before you do, you have to set the content type header
>> to
>> >> jpeg, gif, or whatever.
>> >>
>> >> This is why I say image data does not belong in the database.
>> >
>> > Boooooooooooooooooring.
>> Actual answers to actual problems are usually boring.
> No, what is boring is they way you reject anything that challenges you
> and pretend to not have heard of any evidence to the contrary of your
> argument.

Statements are not evidence, statements verified to be accurate are.
>> > Belongs wherever the developer or the business
>> > requirements want to store it.
>> Yea, and 1+1 = what ever the engineer or the business requirements want
>> it
>> to be, right?
> Once again it depends. What base are we working in? Are we working in
> some kind of odd algebraic space? 1+1 only equals 2 in specific
> situations.

And that shows the depths of your participation in this discussion. There
is a canonical meaning to words, phrases, and expressions. When one does
not wish to listen, one merely ignores these making productive discussion


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