Roberto Mansfield wrote:
Myron Turner wrote:
M.Sokolewicz wrote:
$pattern = '^[a-z0-9\!\_ \.- ,/]*$';
if(!eregi($pattern, $input)){
the problem is that the hyphen is interpreted as regex range operator:
[a-z0-9\!\_ \.- ,/]
Rewrite this as
[a-z0-9\!\_ \. ,/-]
with the hyphen in the last position.
Or just escape the hyphen: \-
The position won't matter.
Actually, I tried that, but it didn't work. It still saw the hyphen as
an operator. The other thing about this is that the hyphen is followed
by a space, so that it's asking for a range between the period and the
space, which you can't do, since the space character has a lower ascii
value than than the period. The space is more obvious in a monospaced font.
Myron Turner
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