I am trying to add some error handling to my code. Instead of reinventing the wheel, I searched and found the code below. For the most part, it seems to work. When I have an error, it doesn't get shown. However, I don't get any output. I tracked it down to the $errno. It is outputting a number where the switch statement is expecting words. Short of typing an array converting number to words, what am I missing/doing wrong? set_error_handler('errorHandler'); function errorHandler ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext){ global $query; switch ($errno){ case E_USER_WARNING: case E_USER_NOTICE: case E_WARNING: case E_NOTICE: case E_CORE_WARNING: case E_COMPILE_WARNING: break; case E_USER_ERROR: case E_ERROR: case E_PARSE: case E_CORE_ERROR: case E_COMPILE_ERROR: if(eregi('^(sql)$', $errstr)){ $MYSQL_ERRNO = mysql_errno(); $MYSQL_ERROR = mysql_error(); $errstr = "MySQL error: $MYSQL_ERRNO : $MYSQL_ERROR"; }else{ $query = NULL; } $errorstring = "<h2>" .date('Y-m-d H:i:s') ."</h2>\n"; $errorstring .= "<p>Fatal Error: $errstr (# $errno).</p>\n"; if ($query) $errorstring .= "<p>SQL query: $query</p>\n"; $errorstring .= "<p>Error in line $errline of file '$errfile'.</p>\n"; $errorstring .= "<p>Script: '{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}'.</p>\n"; if(isset($errcontext['this'])){ if(is_object($errcontext['this'])){ $classname = get_class($errcontext['this']); $parentclass = get_parent_class($errcontext['this']); $errorstring .= "<p>Object/Class: '$classname', Parent Class: '$parentclass'.</p>\n"; } } echo "<h2>This system is temporarily unavailable</h2>\n"; echo "<p>The following has been reported to the administrator:</p>\n"; echo "<b><font color='red'>\n$errorstring\n</b></font>"; /*error_log($errorstring, 1, $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']); $logfile = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .'/errorlog.html'; error_log($errorstring, 3, $logfile);*/ /*session_start(); session_unset(); session_destroy();*/ die(); default: break; } # prevent further script execution exit(); } -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php