I'm building an CMS system (for practice and experience :)).
And of course like many times before I have encountered a problem.
The problem is:
I have a index.php that takes the news from the database and publishes
them. And by the end of every news on index.php I have a link ('<a
href="showfullnews.php?id=$id">Show full news</a>')
That leads to a page that has the full news.
At the beginning of showfullnews i have a variable ( $id = $_GET['id']; )
And in index.php I have the following code:
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$id= $row['id'];
In the database I have two tables one for a short version of news for
index.php and another for fullNews.
In full news the query is: "select title,newsFull from fullnews where
In the database i'm 100% sure there is a id = 1 in both rows.
I really dont know what is the problem.
Thank you very much!
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