On Feb 1, 2007, at 9:47 AM, Jochem Maas wrote:
Eric Gorr wrote:
I've heard some concern expressed that PHP might be more insecure
other methods of developing website where security was of prime
importance. Now, I personally do not believe this, but it would
help me
to convince others if I could point to major sites, where security
(mostly with respect to the user authentication system) was extremely
important (financial sites, etc.) and where PHP was the primary
development platform.
google, yahoo.
For their user authentication system? Session management? Everything?
Don't suppose there would be any URL (press release, just general
info, etc.) with that information?
for the rest search Zend.com or your favorite sdearch engine
While zend.com, etc. will tell me who is using PHP, they do not
generally state exactly how it is being used and, as much as the who,
it is the how that is important.
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