At 1/24/2007 01:44 PM, Otto Wyss wrote:
I'd like to make my pages multi lingual, showing everything in the
language the user chooses. My pages show mostly static text. So
what's the usual implementation for this case.
This is a vast subject that deserves general study. I recommend that
you goggle PHP MULTILINGUAL for many resources, and check out these articles:
W3C Web Internationalization Articles
Internationalization Best Practices: Specifying Language in XHTML &
HTML Content
At this early point in your learning, your question seems too general
for a PHP listserve, although PHP makes a fine programming language
for international websites, e.g.:
I implement multilingual pages in two ways:
1) Switching language downloads a new version of the current page,
generally with the same markup but new text. Example:
2) Downloading all languages in the same page, hiding all but one
with CSS and revealing other immediately when the language toggle is
activated. Example:
In both cases I store the text in database tables that contain a
language field I can select on to match the user's request.
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