Hello All,
I have this Oracle function, and within my code I call it like this:
$sql = "BEGIN :result := my_funtion_name('$parm1', $parm2, null, null,
null); END;";
$stmt = $db->parse($sql);
$rc = null;
ocibindbyname($stmt, ":result", &$rc);
$db->execute($stmt, $sql);
The problem is that the execute function spits back an error/warning
message, but the Oracle function properly executes and the data is in
the Database.
The execute function looks like this:
(This function enters the conditional where ii executes the die() function)
public function execute($stmt, $query = "") {
if( $this->trans)
$result = @ociexecute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT);
$result = @ociexecute($stmt);
if (!$result ) {
$error = ocierror($this->link);
$this->report('Invalid Statement: ' . $stmt
.'('.$query.')'. ' '
. htmlentities($error['message']));
die('Invalid Statement: ' . $stmt
.'('.$query.')'. ' ' . htmlentities($error['message']));
return $result;
I use this wrapper class for many things, and the execute function for
many things, without any problems.
Now, this is an initial run at calling Oracle functions within PHP.
Any words of wisdom as to what could be causing this problem, or any
other insight?
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