At 12/4/2006 01:08 PM, Jay Blanchard wrote:
Is there any way for PHP to know whether it is being called due to a
browser refresh versus a mouse click? I think the answer is no but I
just want to be sure. Thanks.
Not unless you specifically capture and send a JavaScript onClick event.
A mouse click typically takes you somewhere else, so if you are using
for a page refresh you could capture and send a JavaScript variable to
the PHP script.
The tricky bit would be distinguishing between a page loaded with a
mouse-click and a subsequent reload of that same page, as they would
share the same querystring. One way would be to use javascript to
supply the current absolute time in the querystring at the moment of
click (you could do the same sort of thing with submit using a hidden
field or a querystring appended to the form action), then PHP could
compare that time with its own current time to see if the querystring
represented a current or old rendering.
That would fail with javascript disabled, of course.
A server-side-only solution could pre-populate all the links on the
site that point to this page with a special querystring. When the
script/page is invoked with that querystring, PHP does the necessary
processing and then redirects to itself (the same page) but without
the special querystring. Therefore reloading the page that's
downloaded to the client won't reinvoke the post-click process.
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