I personal prefer Frameworks. I tried some of them. But in my opinion, those are not made to create application fater, no. With Frameworks, you can maintaine your application better. You have a global place where everything can be changed on one file. Ofc, its also possible that this improves the Application development, which is ofc good, but the main thing is you can maintain it easy. A good example is your comment regarding loading lot of staff into memory.. In my company we also have a bigger framework, with a lot of includes and so on. But it is still damn, fast. If you include now 100 or 1000 files, you allmost dont see it as PHP proccesses them very fast. And if you have to change for example now a filename that is required by other fiels, that a Framework is your friend as you dont have to go to each file and change the filename, no, you only have to change it on one place, result in: easy maintaining. Ofc, this is only one example, but there exists other things too where a framework can improve your work and save you time in changing things . on Thursday 02 November 2006 16:37, ray.hauge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: > I know this subject has been covered in the past, but my question is why > use them? I'm hoping to not create a religious war... I see that > frameworks would probably help you develop some things faster, but most > of the time they don't do the things the way I would want them to work. > If I did use one, it almost seems like I would use it to get through > something until I had time to do things the way I wanted/needed to do > them. There's a lot of talk about frameworks lately, and especially > the Zend Framework, so I'd like to look into what it's all about. I > think I might be missing out the framework issue, so I'd like to hear > other people's opinions. > > I do like the mail, pdf, and a few other parts of the Zend Framework. I > also like that it's more like a set of tools than a monolithic beast > that would take a lot of memory just to load up into your application. > > Your thoughts? > > Thanks, > Ray -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php