Best reference will be http://php.net/memcache i think.
Memcache is really effective tool, but it have one fault. Data keeping
in this way are not stable.
Generally memcache is useful as a some kind of cache when you can have
second data source, or when data, you want to save, have short ttl (time
to live) (f.e. sessions ;-) ).
But I recommend it.
Have fun ;)
Sancar Saran said:
Recently I discoverd Memcache daemon for sessions, I'm very pleased its
I want to use memcache other than $_SESSION
For example, I have an array, it has language definitions. Normally on each
page load I have to include that file.
So I want to put that array into Memcached and access from each different
SESSIONID, I believe this will reduce memory usage and gives performance
I found (and use) SESSION examples for Memcached usage. Does anyone has any
other examples for memcached usage.
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