natsort() places the array elements in natural order but not the keys.
If you want your elements printed using "print" in a loop either
reorganise the keys first or use "foreach".
The easiest method would be to use:
foreach($dl as $filename){
print $filename;
If you insist on using a while loop you could use:
$dl = array_merge($dl); to reorder the keys from 0 to array size-1.
then use:
while ($i <= $array_count){print $dl[$i]; $i++;}
If you use "while" you must increment $i to get all of the elements printed.
Alternatively you could use a for loop after reordering the keys:
print $dl[$i];
On 26/10/2006 22:05 Sandy wrote:
$d = '/somedir/subdir';
$od = opendir($d);
if ($od) {
$dl = scandir($d);
The sorted array is available through print_r().
How can I obtain a natsorted array that can be listed using :
while ($i <= $array_count){print $dl[$i]}
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