$languages = array(
"af" => array("Afrikaans", "Afrikaans", "South Africa"),
"sq" => array("Albanian", "Shqipe", "Albania") );
foreach ($languages as $language){
if ( strstr( $_HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, $language) ) {
print"<center>You are from ".$language[2]."!</center>";
What you want is something like this:
foreach ($languages as $language => $valueArray ){
if ( strstr( $_HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, $language) ) {
print"<center>You are from ".$valueArray[2]."!</center>";
Your example is setting the variable $language to the array for each
So the first iteration,
$language is set to array("Afrikaans", "Afrikaans", "South Africa")
and the second iteration,
$language is set to array("Albanian", "Shqipe", "Albania")
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