Dear all, I am trying to create a zipping mechanism that allows the user to select a number of files from a list; these files are then zipped and downloaded to the user's machine. I presently have: $zip = new ZipArchive(); $filename = $zipfinalpath."tutor/zipfiles/".$tutorzipfile; if ($zip->open($filename, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE)!==TRUE) { exit("cannot open <$filename> \n"); } else { $loopCount = 0; foreach ($filelisttozip as $i => $fileValue) { //the $zip->addFile($fileValue,$filenamelisttozip[$loopCount]); $loopCount ++; } } $zip->close(); In my test sample of files I have the following file types: .doc .zip .jpg .doc And the zip mechanism works when I ask for all or omit any of the files from the list, except when I omit the zip file! E.g. 1. Asking for all works 2. Asking for .zip,.jpg,.doc works 3. Asking for .doc,.zip works 4. Asking for .doc,.jpg,.doc doesn't work - 7-zip tells me that the file is not support archive and windows tells me the Compressed(folder) is invalid or corrupted! I have used different zip files to make sure that it's not the file, but all to no avail. . .but if I add: $zip = zip_open($filename); while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) { $file = basename(zip_entry_name($zip_entry)); echo 'a'.$file.'<br>'; } zip_close($zip); to the bottom of my page it correctly displays, on screen, the 3 files I expect to be in the zip file. Any help would be very gratefully received as this is driving me mad!!! Matt -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: