I'm in the horrible situation where I need a one-page script to hold it's own password and validate itself. I coded this together, I want this lists opinion as to whether or not it holds water, considering the circumstance: <?php $sha1_pw="5218lm849l394k1396dip4'2561lq19k967e'30"; if ( $_COOKIE["password"] != sha1($sha1_pw) ) { $varis=explode("/",$PATH_INFO); $pre_password=explode("&",$varis[1]); if ( sha1( substr($pre_password[0],0) ) == $sha1_pw ) { setcookie("password", sha1($sha1_pw) ); header("Location: ".$_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]."/".rand(999,99999)); exit; } else { print "Fvck Off"; exit; } } // REST OF PAGE ?> The idea is that the user could call the page like this: http://server.com/directory/page.php/MyPassword and the page would refresh to not show his password, yet keep him logged in. Thanks for any and all input. Dotan Cohen http://nanir.com http://what-is-what.com/what_is/html.html -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php