Michael Hogsett wrote:
Why can I not set "upload_max_filesize" or "upload_tmp_dir" inside
my virtual host directive? These are exactly the kinds of ini
directives that you would want to set per virtual host.
I can set "open_basedir" inside my virtual host using php_admin_value,
but neither of "upload_max_filesize" nor "upload_tmp_dir" take effect
unless I move those directives outside the virtual host configuration
and into Apache's global context.
Can anyone offer a suggestion as to how I would go about setting,
at the very least, "upload_tmp_dir" per virtual host?
I just tried it and it worked:
<IfModule mod_php4.c>
php_admin_flag engine on
php_admin_value upload_tmp_dir "/php_uploads"
That was inside a virtual host...
Checking a phpinfo page did change it.
Did you remember to restart apache?
Maybe an unnecessary hint but I've seen plenty of problems with this -
If you change the upload_tmp_dir value don't forget to adjust the
open_basedir to allow access to the new upload_tmp_dir otherwise uploads
will break.
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