2006/9/22, Rory Browne <rory.browne@xxxxxxxxx>:
On 9/22/06, Kevin Waterson <kevin@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > This one time, at band camp, "Curt Zirzow" <czirzow@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > > what about using: > > php.net/pi > > > > note the precision description. > > > > or are we talking about a different pi. > > The goal of the codegolf.com challenge is to print pi to 1000 places. > The programmer to do it in the least keystrokes is the winner. I personally don't think this is a very healthy contest. It discourages comments, and use of whitespace to make code readable. I'd perfer a contest that rewarded code readability, and maintainability as well as minimal keystrokes. After all you only enter the aforementioned keystrokes once. Perhaps one like codegolf, with an enforced coding style ( eg KR Style, or GNU Style)
I completely agree. This kind of contests do not provide any measure of the good qualities of a programmer working as part of a team. The objectives ussualy end up being something of the sort: "let's see who can fit the most in a for declaration". Anyway... as you say, it would be nice to have a contest that rewards readability and maintainability... but, how can we messure that qualities in this type of games? Should your code be praised by others and voted on? Is that reliable? I think enforcing a coding style is too restrictive... Also, how do we measure the declarativity of var and function names?