On 13 Sep 2006, at 11:02 , Dave Goodchild wrote:
$_SESSION['profane'] = false;
foreach ($_POST as $value) {
foreach ($swearbox as $profanity) {
if (preg_match("/$profanity/i", $value)) {
$errors = true;
$_SESSION['profane'] = true;
mail(TECHEMAIL, 'profane content attack attempt on
DJST', "From:
{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDRESS']} Time: " . date('d F Y G:i:s', time()-
wouldn't that trigger on "assassination"<1> is "ass" was in $swearbox?
<1> twice
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons for you are crunchy and taste
good with ketchup
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