On 9/13/06, Beauford <php-user@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi, I have a form which I want to check for inappropriate words before it is posted. I have used explode to put the string into an array using a space as the delimiter and then I check it against another array that contains the inappropriate words. I then replace the inappropriate words with *'s and join the array back into a string. This works perfectly except for one thing. If the word in the string has a any kind of punctuation after it (period, comma) it won't be matched. So if moron is an inappropriate word then "you are a moron" works, but "you are a moron." won't. Any ideas? Thanks This is my code. function badwords($string) { $language = array(contains the inappropriate words); $words = explode(" ",$string); $count = count(explode(" ", $string)); for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if(in_array(strtolower($words[$i]), $language)) { $words[$i] = "*****"; } } $newcomments = join(" ",$words); return $newcomments; }
Perhaps you could try an approach like this: <?php $dirty = array( 'ipsum', 'eloquentiam', 'Vero' ); $string = "Lorem ipsum ius no etiam veniam, usu alii novum ne, sed cu molestiae eloquentiam. Vero invenire philosophia est ne, quo nemore timeam an."; $clean = str_replace($dirty, '*', $string); echo "<br>string: ". $string; echo "<br>clean: ". $clean; GENERATES: string: Lorem ipsum ius no etiam veniam, usu alii novum ne, sed cu molestiae eloquentiam. Vero invenire philosophia est ne, quo nemore timeam an. clean: Lorem * ius no etiam veniam, usu alii novum ne, sed cu molestiae *. * invenire philosophia est ne, quo nemore timeam an.