----- Original Message -----
From: "Leonidas Safran" <Elektrik@xxxxxxx>
By the way, because I found it strange to have more than one field with
the same id, I looked on the famous selfhtml tutorial website
http://de.selfhtml.org which says that unique id is only mandatory for
css, but not for javascript actually. I was surprised...
(english translation is a little different)
That is correct but it is not complete. Everything that relies on a unique
id would fail, CSS amongst others(which is what this article covers), but
not the only one.
Basically there are two functions to get elements by id or name:
getElementById and getElementsByName. Notice the first one returns a single
element since there cannot be more than one, the second one returns a
collection of elements, since duplicates are allowed. Thus, if you put an
id in an element, it is because you want to reach it, but if the id is
duplicated then you cannot reach it any longer.
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