Jon Anderson wrote:
Stut wrote:
How bored am I?
This bored:
Server is running PHP 5.1.2 (really should upgrade that) with no
caches of any sort.
Just looking through the source, could you try changing the first
example to put the output all on one line? It's the only one that does
the row output on multiple indented lines - I'm kind of curious what
effect (if any) that has on the results.
Done. Doesn't seem to make a difference - I didn't expect it to.
I also tried this on my own server. With the opcode cache, the results
seem to be the inverse of yours without.
I would have been surprised if an opcode cache had made a huge
difference. I don't think the Zend Engine is intelligent enough to
compile the various different tests to the same set of opcodes - but I
could be wrong. I'm still quite new to the PHP internals.
Also, with either server, the first three results seem to vary wildly,
but the last two always seem to come out the same. I'm not sure why
that is...
As I said in another post, the performance varies wildly with the load
on the server.
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