tedd wrote:
At 4:56 PM +0100 9/11/06, Stut wrote:
How bored am I?
This bored: http://dev.stut.net/phpspeed/
Server is running PHP 5.1.2 (really should upgrade that) with no
caches of any sort.
Which begs the question, does it make much of a difference? (not you
being bored, but the rather speed concers).
With all the things out there that can slow your browsers reaction
time in presenting some result, does a couple of seconds count much in
the over all scheme of things?
I know, purest will say that they want to make whatever they do as
fast as possible, but is that time to make it faster be better spent
elsewhere? We used to have to worry about the size of our strings, but
now we can place the kjv of the bible in one. So, what's the point of
counting characters in strings now?
I suspect at some point, probably soon, speed isn't going to matter much.
I would have to agree. Having watched the server CPU load while playing
with this test script it would appear that the performance can be
skewed a lot more by that than by the method you use for squidging out
the output.
As a curiosity I've also added a test using <?php print $x; ?> and
bizarrely that appears to be slightly faster than <?=$x?>.
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